So you have an unselectable viewport?
This could be a symptom of several conditions.
- The viewport itself is on an off layer. This will show the content but no boundary so the viewport cannot be selected and moved etc. Check whether the viewport layer is off by turnign all layers on and unfreezing all layers. This should then reveal the boundary.
- The viewport has been put on Defpoints, which when combined with Layer 0 being off will display the viewport boundary but it will be unselectable. This is why Defpoints should not be used for any user geometry.
- Lastly and this is what I encountered today which is the first time for me is that someone has clipped the viewport and then deleted the clipping boundary. This gives a viewport that is completely unselectable by the mouse. However it can be selected using Quickselect, see below for the method to remove this viewport.
Unclipping a clipped viewport that has had its boundary delelted!
Firstly we need to create a rectangle, this is needed for a later step.
Then run Quickselect (its on the “Home” tab under the “Utilities” group),

and then select “Viewports” from the dropdown box at the top. Then go to the bottom box and select “Select All”.

Once all the Viewports are selected and if there are other viewports you want to keep, use the shift key to de-select the ones that have borders leaving only the one that has no boundary.
Then go to the layout tab and select “Clip”, and select the rectangle you created at step one. This will clip the old viewport to the rectangle.

You can now either delete the viewport and rectangle or move and edit the viewport as required.
I would however suggest deleting the viewport and rectangle as this issue could happen again and create a new viewport using the layout tab new rectangular viewport option.