Version Conflict Dialog Box

Sometimes when in a hurry you check the “don’t show me this again” to get rid of a box and then later on realise that it would be quite useful to have this box pop-up.

AutoCAD and LT has a way of restoring these that does not require deep diving into registry or settings files.

Just go to Options, System and click on the Hidden Message Settings button.

Hidden message settings options dialog

Once clicked you will get another dialog box where you can check the ones to restore from hidden and then click OK.

Hidden message settings dialog

More information can be found at the AutoDesk help file here.

AutoCAD’s “new” trim command

So, you’ve just upgraded to the shiny new AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT, thinking this is great, new version going to have some new features etc.

But to your dismay your TRIM command doesn’t work as you are used to. It automatically cuts to the next object without asking where you want to cut!

Have no fear this is easily solvable. If you generally trim to the next object, this has now saved you a load of mouse clicks and you can get the cutting edges part back by using the new option CuttingEdges.

trim command cutting edges

If you hate the new mode then you can revert to the existing by typing TRIMEXTENDMODE and setting it to 0.